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Office of Risk Management

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Risk Prevention and Safety (RPS) Division

Risk Prevention and Safety division (RPS) ensures that all District of Columbia government employees have a safe and healthy work environment, for the safety and security of District employees and the communities they serve.

ORM recognizes that investing in workplace safety and health programs is proven to be one of the best and most cost-effective ways an organization can protect its people and resources. As a division of ORM, RPS coordinates risk prevention programs and collaborates with Agency Risk Management Representatives, to ensure that safety and health policies, practices and procedures are put in place and followed within all District agencies.

RPS manages a broad range of responsibilities that includes:

  • Ensure all District Employees have a safe and healthy work environment;
  • Conduct workplace inspections and job hazard analysis;
  • Lead the District Risk Management Council (RMC);
  • Coordinate the Agency Risk Management Representative program (ARMR);
  • Develop risk prevention and safety policies and procedures;
  • Manage employee driver programs;
  • Direct Emergency Response Plan (ERP) program;
  • Track OIG/ODCA audit findings to resolution;
  • Respond to safety and health complaints.


For more information, please contact us at [email protected]